Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

We now have a section of in stock items! Everything in this section is available, and will ship within 1-2 business days.

Our items are all made by hand. We do not mass produce anything, and every item has been designed, tested, and created by us. A lot of time and effort has gone into every item we offer, and we do our best to make sure that everything that leaves our shop lives up to our standards and hopefully yours.

We only offer a few different sheath options, but we operate out of a large brick & mortar cutlery store, so there’s a chance we have the knife you’re looking for. Contact us to set up a custom order.

All of our belt holsters meet IDPA regulations, but our shoulder holsters do not.

To put in bluntly, if your leather sheath does what it’s supposed to do, you shouldn’t need to put a different sheath inside of it. Our leather sheaths function very well being made out of leather, and our kydex sheaths work very well without a leather lining.

No. Each item is for the sheath/scabbard/holster itself, no knives, swords, or guns are included with any purchase.

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